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Bonterms forms are free-to-use standard agreements designed to be balanced between the parties. Bonterms are implemented by a Cover Page where you fill in your deal details and make any needed changes to the underlying terms. Learn more about these forms and how to use them here.

Bonterms Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Standard NDA for use between two companies. Learn about how to use a Cover Page to create your NDA here and when sending out your Cover Page consider including the Explainer.

Bonterms Cloud Terms: Terms to create a subscription agreement for a Cloud Service between a Provider and Customer. Learn about how to use a Cover Page to create your agreement here and when sending out your Cover Page consider including the Explainer.

READ THIS DISCLAIMER: Bonterms provides self-service forms and general information intended to be used only with independent legal review. Bonterms does not provide legal advice, does not guarantee the enforceability or effect of any agreement created using Bonterms forms and has no liability relating to their use. Have a lawyer review Bonterms forms before use in any circumstance.

Unregistered user can prepare only one document per month. Upgrade to get more docs.

Choose the document you want to prepare: 

Proceed to drafting Avodocs - Cover Page for Bonterms Cloud Terms 
Proceed to drafting Avodocs - Order form for Bonterms Cloud Terms 
Proceed to drafting Avodocs - Cover Page for Bonterms Mutual NDA 