Avodocs PRO+ is now free for all users from Ukraine.

Together we win

Free legal documents
for Extra Crunch

Free upgrade to PRO+ package

Premium content, DocuSign integration, ability to store your files

Join Avodocs now and you will be able to store and e-sign every document drafted with Avodocs, save data about your company, vendors and employees to avoid copy/paste and send your contract for review to a professional lawyer.

  • With Avodocs founders can draft legal documents tailored to their needs in minutes from any mobile device by answering simple questions.
  • Avodocs was built by founders for founders. We know that in early stages you want to have a good, balanced agreement fast to move the deal forward while it's hot.
  • Avodocs content was developed and pre-approved by top lawyers and in-house legal teams in Silicon Valley.
  • Each question and answer in Avodocs is free of legalese and offers explanation of implications in plain English. Anyone can draft legal documents with Avodocs.


Join us and don’t let legal matters distract you from building your company:

Used by over 4,000 startups from all over the world, including alumni of
Y Combinator, Techstars and 500 Startups.

Coming up with comprehensive Terms and Service and Privacy Policies that cover everything used to be a struggle that a lot of entrepreneurs like to postpone. With Avodocs we were able to create 90% of our legal documents within less than an hour. Incredible

Peer Rich, Mage, Y Combinator Alumni